Springtime storms can increase the chance of flooding in your home without a properly working sump pump. As part of our 2017 Plumbers guide to spring cleaning, we show you the importance of a properly working sump pump system.
Water getting in
Depending on the materials used to construct your home, flood water may enter in one of multiple ways. Typically, the area of your home most threatened by flooding is the lowest level of the home such as the basement and/or crawlspace).
If your building was constructed primarily out of concrete, water may force its way through tiny cracks in the concrete and into the home. Other types of masonry may be affected similarly by flood water depending on the material and the force of the flooding.
Flood water could seep into your home under your foundation through the soil by method of hydro-static pressure. This scary-sounding term refers to the tendency of water to try and find its way through to open space. If your home is surrounded on all four sides by flood water, this water pressure will mean that the water will eventually find a way through if your home is not waterproofed sufficiently.
Keeping the water out
Speaking of waterproofing, your home likely already has measures in place to prevent hydro-static pressure from allowing water to enter your home. This may include a series of gutters and downspouts surrounding the home that directs heavy rainfall away from the soil surrounding your home’s foundation.
Depending on when your home was built, a special type of water-proof compound was likely sprayed all around your home’s foundation to deter or repel water from entering in through concrete or other building materials.
Sump pumps
Water tends to still manage its way inside a home. What happens then?
Enter sump pumps – your secret weapon to preventing flooding from damaging your home. This pump can collect water gathering in or near your home’s foundation and pump it back outside and away from your home. Sump pumps come in many sizes and varieties; if you have a large home or are in an area with a high risk of flooding, your sump pump should be larger to accommodate this extra potential water.
Your sump pump should also have battery back-up if your home is at a high risk of flooding – you wouldn’t want a thunderstorm to knock out your power and prevent your sump pump from keeping water out of your basement.
Protect your bottom floor with properly working sump pumps
Don’t let this spring become a nightmare for you and your family. Make sure your sump pump is prepared to take on spring flooding by contacting us to set up an appointment today. You can reach us on our website or by calling us at (630) 761-3400. With what’s at stake, can you afford to wait any longer?